A person who won't read has no
advantage over one who can't read.
~Mark Twain
Join Our Weekly Book Club
One of the first ways I learned to connect with my true power was by reading important books.
Join us on our weekly calls within our secret book club and grow 10x quicker!
The curriculum is simple to follow & it'll help you along your life path more than you'd ever know.
Though the book title may not seem humble, the topics inside are. This book will teach you the tips and tricks to excel in growing your network, in a respectful manner, how to "win any argument" in a way you wouldn't expect, and even connect with celebrities you didn't expect was possible.
A must read for any business or community owner to read all the way through, as we will or just pick up to read a paragraph or two for inspiration. Either way, join us at the upcoming meeting if you own the book or don't yet. As always you can sit in and listen, read along on your own, or raise your hand to be a selected reader.