We help people & organizations,
make the right adjustments in their business,
to earn more money, while staying true to their foundations.
...There's an ideal way to grow community.
We had it & now we knew
how to teach it...
Be Good.
Thrive Profitably,
Wholly & Sustainably.
If you're looking to create more of a Thriving Community,
within your business or organization.
...I'd love to help.
Is Your Community Thriving?
For me I think it was the first time I heard my friend say...
"Worst Case Scenario... Best Case Scenario."
My friends and I came up with this silly phrase we'd say when something seemingly bad happened.
Yet, it seemed, that if the right intention was present from the beginning & there was continued work towards the Ideal Good In Mind, the Right Outcome would always end up falling into place.
That moment was the first time I heard a friend say that phrase, worst case scenario, best case scenario in response to a question that I had.
& I realized right then, in that moment, if anything failed, it would still be good learning.
For that project
...Our group started with a great intention.
...Everything was set up on good foundations to reach our goal.
...We had all the right backup in place, in case an issue arose.
...We knew ultimately, we couldn't fail.
There's an ideal way to grow community. We had it & now I knew how to teach it to others.
My story may have started when I picked up some litter, from a plastic bag of water, branded by the largest company in the area.
This company was supposed to be helping the developing-world-country I was in, yet it was destroying it & it was allied with the giants that were promoting the opposite of Good Everywhere.
...Have you ever felt that way when seeing an advert?
Companies ultimately promoting Chaos, yet selling desire in mass?
Maybe I was lucky or blessed to live with genuine, & nice people in my life, so I thought it natural to try and create more love & harmony.
Maybe it was cuz I felt something special grow in community, at bonfires, while camping or scouting through my youth. Maybe it was that same feeling of connectedness, performing on stages with my dance group, at festivals around the world.
There was something I noticed, which naturally just happened... bringing everything nicely-together, in intimate communities.
3 foundational parts to help your community now.
If you'd like your community to...
Thrive More
Get Better Profit
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